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The BAS Style Kit includes various logos used to identify projects as being part of the British Antarctic Survey or users of various schemes and initiatives.

Logos are protected works, they MUST be used according to the terms of their respective owners.

The BAS logo forms a core part of the BAS Brand, and its consistent use is important. It is made up of two components:

  1. the BAS roundel
  2. the BAS logo text (using the BAS brand font)

These may be used in one of two forms:

  1. the BAS roundel only
  2. the BAS roundel and logo text (the full logo)

The BAS logo can be used with components such as:

The BAS logo is a trademark of the Natural Environment Research Council and may not be used without a licence

BAS has a licence to use its logo for its official websites and applications. This licence does not cover non-BAS projects, including personal projects of BAS Staff.

  • The logo text MUST NOT be used on its own
  • The colour of the roundel and logo text MUST NOT be changed
  • The font used for the logo text MUST NOT be changed (i.e. from the BAS brand font)
  • The text of the logo text MUST NOT be changed (i.e. abbreviated or reformatted)
  • For the full logo, the relationship between the roundel and logo text MUST NOT be changed.

Contact the BAS Communications Team if you have any questions around the use of the BAS logo.

Each form of the BAS logo is available in three variants for use in different circumstances:

Variant Purpose
Default Used by default for light backgrounds
Monochrome Used for light backgrounds where colour is unavailable (i.e. a black and white printer)
Inverse Monochrome Used for darker backgrounds where there would be insufficient contrast using the default or monochrome variants

Use the default variant if you are unsure which to use.

Default roundel and full logo

Monochrome roundel and full logo

Inverse monochrome roundel and full logo

These files are exports of vector images, do not resize them. Contact the BAS Communications Team for alternative sizes.

Form Variant Size (Width × Height)
Roundel Default 32 x 32
Roundel Default 64 x 64
Roundel Default 128 x 128
Roundel Default 256 x 256
Roundel Monochrome 32 x 32
Roundel Monochrome 64 x 64
Roundel Monochrome 128 x 128
Roundel Monochrome 256 x 256
Roundel Inverse Monochrome 32 x 32
Roundel Inverse Monochrome 64 x 64
Roundel Inverse Monochrome 128 x 128
Roundel Inverse Monochrome 256 x 256
Form Variant Size (Width × Height)
Full logo Default 143 x 32
Full logo Default 286 x 64
Full logo Default 571 x 128
Full logo Default 1142 x 256
Full logo Monochrome 143 x 32
Full logo Monochrome 286 x 64
Full logo Monochrome 571 x 128
Full logo Monochrome 1142 x 256
Full logo Inverse Monochrome 143 x 32
Full logo Inverse Monochrome 286 x 64
Full logo Inverse Monochrome 571 x 128
Full logo Inverse Monochrome 1142 x 256

Source files are available for the BAS roundel and logo in EPS format.

These files should not be used unless advised by the BAS Creative Services Team.

Form Variant Download Link
Roundel Default bas-roundel-default-transparent.eps
Roundel Monochrome bas-roundel-mono-transparent.eps
Roundel Inverse monochrome bas-roundel-inverse-transparent.eps
Full Logo Default bas-logo-default-transparent.eps
Full Logo Monochrome bas-logo-mono-transparent.eps
Full Logo Inverse monochrome bas-logo-inverse-transparent.eps

Open Government Licence Symbol

The Open Government Lincese (OGL) is the default licensing policy used by the Government, including arms-length bodies such as NERC and BAS.

The OGL Symbol is used to indicate where content is available under this licence, and should be used in this way wherever appropriate.

The OGL Symbol can be used with components such as:

Contact the Web & Applications Team, or the BAS Archives Service, for advice over when to use this licence, or whether an alternative would be more suitable.

The OGL Symbol is controlled by the National Archives and may only be used to indicate where content uses the OGL.

The OGL Symbol MUST be used in accordance to its guidelines [PDF, ~6MB].

Contact the Web & Applications Team if you have any questions around the use of the OGL Symbol.

Variants (OGL Symbol)

The OGL Symbol is available in two variants for use in different circumstances:

Variant Purpose
Default Used by default for light backgrounds
Inverse Used for darker backgrounds where there would be insufficent contrast using the default variant

Use the default variant if you are unsure which to use.

Default symbol

Inverse symbol

Sizes (OGL Symbol)

These files are exports of vector images, do not resize them. Contact the BAS Web & Applications Team for alternative sizes.

Variant Size (Width × Height)
Default 67 x 27
Default 79 x 32
Default 158 x 64
Default 316 x 128
Default 632 x 256
Inverse 67 x 27
Inverse 79 x 32
Inverse 158 x 64
Inverse 316 x 128
Inverse 632 x 256

Microsoft user account pictogram

The Microsoft User Account Pictogram is used to help users understand that they can reuse the account they use with Office 365 or other Microsoft business services to sign into other websites or applications. At BAS, it indicates to users they can use their NERC Active Directory account.

The Microsoft User Account Pictogram can be used with components such as:

The Microsoft User Account Pictogram is controlled by Microsoft and may only be used to indicate where a Microsoft based account can be used to sign into a website or application.

The Microsoft User Account Pictogram MUST be used in accordance to its guidelines.

Contact the Web & Applications Team if you have any questions around the use of the Microsoft User Account Pictogram.

Variants (Microsoft User Account Pictogram)

The Microsoft User Account Pictogram only has a single variant for use in all circumstances.

Default pictogram

Sizes (Microsoft User Account Pictogram)

The Microsoft User Account Pictogram is a vector file that can automatically scale to any size required.

Variant Size (Width × Height)
Default N/A